military occupation

美 [ˈmɪləteri ˌɑːkjuˈpeɪʃn]英 [ˈmɪlətri ˌɒkjuˈpeɪʃn]
  • 军事占领
military occupationmilitary occupation
  1. US military occupation : An un-negotiated occupation could expect some initial Chinese military opposition .


  2. Qing finished the military occupation of Henan , reconstructed the political order of establishment of the system of local administration and military .


  3. Comparison study on the comprehensive psychological qualities between graduates choice for military occupation and military college students


  4. We had neither the authority nor the responsibilities implicit in a military occupation .


  5. Military occupation does not transfer sovereignty .


  6. He also indicated that Beijing continues to be sore about Japan , s military occupation of China before and during World War II .


  7. The nature of the military occupation decide that military will face all kinds of stimulation outside pressure whether in peacetime or in wartime .


  8. Being an incident of war , military occupation confers upon the invading force the means of exercising control for the period of occupation .


  9. Foreign relations and defence remained under the authority of the Danes until the World War II military occupation of Denmark by Germany in1940 .


  10. Since the military occupation on Japan , America 's Japanese policy has involved some elements of psychological measures aiming at assuring continued orientation of Japan toward the West .


  11. The ultimate strategic aim of the Palestinian people , their organizations and parties during the struggles against Israeli military occupation is to establish an independent Palestinian state .


  12. The Japanese invasion of China in WWII , which is mainly characterized by military occupation , is portrayed in The Dragon Seed as a colonial intrusion .


  13. What is happening is an extension of Israeli military occupation in Palestine , he added . The Palestine people will continue its resistance against Israeli invasion .


  14. Nevertheless , because the United States still practices military occupation and dominates reconstruction in I-raq , there are no radical changes in the nature of Iraq issues and the situation in Iraq is still grim .


  15. In this sense , the value of this work is beyond the literary work itself . It is an authentic literary record of Japanese Society in 1970s , which is deeply influenced by U.S military occupation and culture .


  16. Weaved into all of this is the essentially Palestinian story of life under occupation : trying to find freedom and agency in pursuits such as sport while the economic and practical realities of a decades-long military occupation seem to stymie these attempts at every turn .


  17. To relinquish military possession or occupation of ( a town , for example ) .


  18. He recovered , turned round , retreated swiftly . To relinquish military possession or occupation of ( a town , for example ) .


  19. The crisis between Ukraine and Russia deepened Friday , with Ukraine accusing Russia of a military invasion and occupation in the strategic Crimea Peninsula .


  20. The armed police college education belongs to higher education with the base of military profession education and occupation education .


  21. One-Way ANOVA showed that altitude , military experience and parent occupation did not affect mental health of soldiers ( P > 0.05 ) .
